Apologies for the title. It's a homage to my friend
Erin and her love of Mr Willis.
So I've been lazy. Ok maybe I haven't been lazy, just hell busy. But you know what I mean... Looking for a new job took forever because I didn't want to work somewhere rubbish, the boy and I have had a million weddings to go to all over the dang country and I've been watching too much True Blood. But I'm back on the design wagon!
I've taken a few crumby photos and will take better ones through the week. I need to buy supplies first. Ooh intriguing isn't it?!
Brisbane map envelopes and notecards
My Dad is a truck driver and when I mentioned what I was doing with our old maps he runs into another room and comes back with an armful of ten year old maps and a massive grin on his face. Oh Dad's, gotta love em. So I'm making envelopes and notecard sets from Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and I haven't finished looking through the rest yet! So pick your favourite Australian city and I should be able to make a pack for you! Just not sure if they should come in packs of 5 or 10 yet... What do you think? I'm leaning more toward packs of 5, but I can be easily persuaded otherwise.
I'm getting my butt into gear to apply for the Young Designers Markets in Brisbane! I aim to apply in the next two weeks. I'm also scared to death of rejection. Not people rejection, design rejection. So I thought I'd trial these on you peeps first! So.... questions, comments, creative criticism or just plain criticism anyone??
I promise I will stay in touch more. x